by G.C.

Internet Evangelism

The internet is, for some, a whole other world. People can chat in forums, they can register for almost anything, and there are even internet Virtual worlds. This is actually great for Christians! So many people practically LIVE on there computers. So why not use this opportunity to serve God. We can evangelize on forums, and chat rooms, etc. I have heard multiple stories about people who became Christians because they heard about Jesus through the internet! So please, dont waste this GREAT opportunity!

Websites where you can tell others about Jesus.

Those are just a few, but more will be coming soon. In the mean time, you can try to tell people on these sites or find your own. Librivox and other forums, may not want your message, but do not give up! Many people say they dont want to hear it but they really do. Just remember, if they read your message that is all that matters. At least someone heard the truth.